Sunday, June 24, 2012

We Have Created a Heathen

The girls and Dee were on their way to "coupon" at Harris Teeter.  (They all like it and it benefits me as I HATE to grocery shop-so I say YAY!) 
They passed a large (warehouse size), powerful and very vocal church in our area during services. 
Leighton:  Why are all the cars there?
Dee:  It is church time for them.
Leighton:  Church is boring.
Dee:  But you get to sing in church, you like to sing!

This sweet little girl: 
 pipes up and says:
If I went to that church, I would sing, "This place is about to blow-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Blow-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!"

I'm sure you're not the only one who has this same thought/wish!

Mom, To hear the song she is referring to click here.
  I know you have no idea who I'm talking about.

Friday, June 8, 2012

School's Out!

Today was the last day of school for the girls.  It was also Field Day and a half day. 
Leighton has done so well in second grade this year.  She loves her teacher, Mrs. Anderson.  Mrs. Anderson is a wonderful teacher and we are very lucky that she has chosen to work at our school.
Leighton and Mrs. Anderson during Mrs. Anderson's first week.
(She came when school had already been in session for a couple of weeks.)

And on the last day of school after all the running and jumping of field day.
This was Carly's last year of elementary school.  She will be attending the middle school just down the road.  She (and I both) have some reservations about middle school.  Carly has had wonderful teachers at Royal who have helped to teach and guide her so much.  I am very sad that she will be leaving her Royal family and the 'bubble' they have formed around her.  They will all hold a special place in her (and my) heart.
Carly and Mrs. Moore on the last day of school.  They have a special bond, it was VERY hard to say good-bye.

Carly and Mrs. Small, her resource teacher for the last three years. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Will Never Look at You the Same Way

I will NEVER look at Aunt Jemima again without cracking a smile.

I bought some microwave breakfasts (I never buy them but, they were on sale for so cheap I couldn't resist).  I cooked the one with pancakes for Leighton.  After she had eaten about half I asked her how they were.  She looked up at me with syrup on her cheek and a huge smile on her face and said, "Mom, I LOOOVE these Aunt Vagina pancakes!"
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing out loud and from spitting water across the kitchen. 
She then looked confused and said, "Uuuhhm, I mean Aunt Jemina......Jeminda....ok....What's her name again?"

Leighton is always a little upset that Jensyn is always getting the laughs at our house for the silly things she says.  This tops nearly anything Jensyn has EVER said.

Better Late than Never

I have really struggled with this blog the last year.  I REALLY want to update it and keep everyone (ok, the two people who actually look at it) in the loop.  However, I have gotten so far behind and each attempt at 'catch up' has failed miserably.  My good friend suggested that I just start anew.  I really like this idea!  I have decided that there are a few past highlights I really want to post, but will do that when I get a chance and not stress about it until I do.

So Here it Goes.......