12-28 When Dee came home from his first day of work and opened the garage door, Jensyn looked at the laundry door waiting. Her eyes got really big and she said, 'OOHH, Mama!' She looked at me sitting next to her, smiled and said, "Dada."
12-09 You know it's a bad diaper when Jensyn hold her nose while you change it. (Her latest trick.)
11-09 I have been leaving the gate down during the day, for the last couple of weeks. Jensyn LOVES going up and down the stairs at her leisure. The toys up there are so much more fun than the baby toys she has down here. Hopefully by Christmas the gate will be down full time
10-12 Jensyn said 'Ee-o' when I showed her the Elmopalooza DVD cover.Maybe it's time to introduce Sesame Street.
9-21 Jensyn loves the cat. She tries to give it love, but hasn't quite got the fine/gross motor skills to pet the cat without hitting it. She will chase it around calling yeow, yeow, yeow. I am not sure if she is trying to say meow and just hasn't figured it out yet, or if she is so used to the cat running off and yelling yeow, that she thinks yeow is what the cat says.
9-07 Jensyn LOVES chocolate. She will use all/every sign she knows to try to convey that she WANTS CHOCOLATE! If this fails she resorts to the ever fail safe scream of death!
Me: (silently to myself) Come on ALL together now! Do not kill the child.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Only, 17 years times 365, 6205 days to go!
8-24 Walking, walking, walking. She is consumed with walking. YAY YAY YAY
8-10 I would have been happy with one sign at a time, but the child who holds out has finally opened the flood gates. When I came home from work, Jensyn crawled over, climbed up and signed 'more' then 'cheese' and not just once. YAY! She now signs phone, out, baby, fan, eat, and is working very hard on popcorn.
8-03 Jensyn is definitely Grandpa's girl. Grandpa came over this weekend and Jensyn took at least six steps, followed by BIG loves. But ONLY to Grandpa. I have been trying all week with no results. Maybe Grandpa can move in for awhile.
7-27 Jensyn is signing, transfering from one piece of furniture to another, she is standing alone, taking unsure steps and imitating everything. She also got her other front tooth and her other eye tooth. That puts her up to six teeth. Sheesh! Can't she spread it out a little.
7-20 Jensyn is FINALLY crawlng on all fours, consistently. She is also letting go of furniture and standing for at least a second before she falls down.
7-13 Jensyn learned her latest trick from her older cousin, Bridger. She screams at the top of her lungs, at the top of the range of human hearing, until she gets what she wants.The dogs bark, I cringe and she gets what she wants. I guess it does what it is supposed to do.
Coree-I WILL figure out a way to get you back for this
6-28 Jensyn is pulling up to everything! Yay! She is still not crawling with her belly off the floor. Hopefully that will come shortly. Jensyn also has two more teeth, which brings her up to four. One is the eye tooth on the same side as her top tooth, the other is the second bottom front tooth.
6-15 Jensyn has perfected the golf clap. She uses it as one of her many signs for more. I have been trying to get it on video this week, but she is more interested in the camera.
6-08 Jensyn talks on the phone. If you say Hello! she will hold her hand, or anything else, up to her ear. She also has another tooth. It is on top, on the same side as her bottom one.
6-01 Jensyn is pointing. She points at what she wants and waits patiently (for about 3 seconds) and then starts grunting or screaming until she gets it. (You know how I love the point and grunt. It is time to ramp up the sign language!)
5-25 Jensyn's newest trick is to throw EVERYTHING! passie, food, sippy cup, food, glasses, toys, food, books, food, food, food. I am really done with this trick.
5-18 Jensyn is now able to get from lying down to sitting on her own.
UPDATE: Jensyn is FINALLY pulling up to a stand. I coaxed her up with the promise of the remote and that was the ticket. She is a busy girl this week.
5-11 She can unroll a whole roll of toilet paper in less than 30 seconds. That has to be some kind of record.
5-04 Jensyn is now giving open mouth kisses. Yum! Baby spit.
4-27 Jensyn has perfected the combat crawl and she is -FAST!
4-20 She is signing milk. She is also waving. So sometimes it's hard to tell if she is just saying hi or wants milk.
4-13 When you tell her no, which we do a lot, she smiles and shakes her whole upper body no.
4-06 She is now scooting forward on her belly. She digs her toes into the carpet and pushes forward. Crawling-here we come.
3-30 I think she is finally over the GERD. Yeah!
Starry Starry Night Pumpkin Patch
8 years ago
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