Friday, June 1, 2012

I Will Never Look at You the Same Way

I will NEVER look at Aunt Jemima again without cracking a smile.

I bought some microwave breakfasts (I never buy them but, they were on sale for so cheap I couldn't resist).  I cooked the one with pancakes for Leighton.  After she had eaten about half I asked her how they were.  She looked up at me with syrup on her cheek and a huge smile on her face and said, "Mom, I LOOOVE these Aunt Vagina pancakes!"
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing out loud and from spitting water across the kitchen. 
She then looked confused and said, "Uuuhhm, I mean Aunt Jemina......Jeminda....ok....What's her name again?"

Leighton is always a little upset that Jensyn is always getting the laughs at our house for the silly things she says.  This tops nearly anything Jensyn has EVER said.


Kristen said...

Bahahahahahaa!!!! Awesome!

Becca Hatch said...

Oh my hell. That kid is awesome.

Kenzie.Bradford said...

hahah your kids are too funny! We need more blog updates!!