Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of Third Grade

Otherwise known as....Where did the summer go???

Carly, all ready to hop in the car.
(The crocs were not quite that bright when I purchased them online. Thank goodness she likes them.)

Carly and her teacher Ms. Danielle Alford. She is a very sweet teacher. Her daughter Lilly was in Leighton's preschool class last year. We are very excited to have Ms. Alford this year.

Stay tuned...Leighton starts next Tuesday. We are hoping for no tears (from Leighton or Mommy.)


elaine s said...

The cutest 3rd grader....those are pretty bright shoes. Carly will not get lost in the halls.

Love Grandma Sullivan

Leslie said...

You did it! Yay for us!

Megan Young said...

I am so proud of your mom, now we just have to get my my to comment and then we will really have seen miracles.

Yeah for Carly! I think her shoes are cute.

Becca Hatch said...

She is a doll.

On the essay question: My uncle got so drunk at a family reunion that he passed out in the driveway, so my dad got out two pieces of plywood and turned him into a bike ramp for us kids.

I laughed at what you said about my high school friends, because we were orchestra geeks. I guess you should be careful who you snub in high school...Thanks for the compliment.