I have signed on to be the girls' Girl Scout co-leader this year. Last year I was just a volunteer and wasn't officially a leader. For our meeting this month we earned our badges at the zoo. Now, that's my kind of meeting!
We got up early, or o'dark thirty, as my kids like to say. When I woke them up and they were still in a state of confusion, they wanted to know if we were getting on the airplane. (Note to self: try to cut down on those early morning flights!)
Then we moved onto the real animals.
We took in some information.
One of the things required for Carly's badge was to take pictures of animals in their habitat. This is her photo of the elusive Homo Sapian (Connor) the only living member of the Homo genus.
Ooh! There he goes again!
They rode the merry-go-round.
And Carly got back to taking pictures.
She became so engrosed in her pictures that the rest of us left her behind with the other photographer in our group,
Melissa, of the famous www.melissahollemanphotography.com
As I am going through the 163 odd pictures of animals I come across this...
As I am going through the 163 odd pictures of animals I come across this...
Great picture, right? I have no clue who these people are. There are individual shots of each of them as well, equally as great. After a little investigating, I found out that these are just some random people at the zoo who were nice enough to pose for SEVERAL pictures for Carly. After her success here, most of the rest of the pictures are of random people. Apparently, she prefers this animal in it's habitat. My only regret is I don't know these people. This, along with the other five pictures, are pretty awesome and I'm sure they would like a copy!
Side Note: Dee chose not to attend. He said,
- It's a Girl Scout activity,
- I'm not a Girl Scout, and
- I have too much to do here at home.
We arrived home after walking around the zoo for nearly eight hours and four hours of driving, (we stopped at the McDonald's, threw happy meals in the back for dinner and were on our way.) We walk in the door and Dee is just finishing up his meal of lamb chops and lobster tail. REALLY!!!???!!!