Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Am a Little Concerned

I dress Jensyn in pink and usually put a headband or clip in her hair (for as long as she leaves it it in). But, people are consantly commenting 'Oh, look how cute he is!' or 'Look at all his adorable curls!' I know that eventually her hair will grow out some more and she will no longer be mistaken for a boy, but what if
this:turns into this: I'm not saying, I'm just saying!
(and no Jensyn doesn't wear glasses, she just had on Carly's)


Lisa said...

not funny...she IS NOT a "Pat".

Jensyn at least has hair. Jordan did not have hair until about 2 and now she has great hair.

Be careful for what you wish for!!!!!!!

darcy said...

That's so funny!

helicke said...
