Friday, September 10, 2010

A New Me???

After fighting against it for nearly 30 years. I finally got glasses. I started wearing glasses in about second grade (I am sure that my mom will correct me on that). I dare not even say started because my mom would buy them and then I either destroyed them, lost them or who knows what with them. After the third pair, the opthamalogist finally told her to stop buying them. He said that my eyes had adjusted and that when I couldn't see I would let her know. In college, I couldn't see all the way to the board in those large auditoriums and finally told her. She sent me to get glasses. I did and I wore them for maybe a month and decided they didn't fit my personality and I could live without them. Fast forward 15 years. I have started seeing a spot in my peripheral vision and decided to make sure that it was not oncoming blindness. Good news! It's not. Bad news, as a responsible mother, I can no longer in good conscious drive my precious children around knowing that I have such horrible eyesight. I picked out some frames and hoped for the best.
The before...
(this is actually a picture of my chipped front tooth.
I chipped my bridge and my wonderful dentist filed it down until only she and I can tell.) And the after....
The glasses, not my picture taking skills, wardrobe, or complexion.


the kymmer said...

I LIKE 'EM! :)

elaine s said...

I like them too....I also like how you avoided telling the world how you buried your glasses in sand and threw them in the bat and ball box. All at school, and then tell your Mother where you had disposed of them 20 years later. Thank you for getting the glasses, I have been worried about you driving for years.
Love Mom

elaine s said...

That is the "mean" face!