I have been crafting the last couple of weeks. Here are the fruits of my labor:
Hand sanitizers for the girls' teachers.
Treat jars for the girls' teachers.
Look closely at Ms. Small's jar. It is a Bertolli Pasta Sauce Jar. I used all recycled jars; an applesauce jar, two salsa jars, a salad dressing jar, and a cheese dip jar.
Dee kept asking me why there was 'trash' in the dishwasher. The lids are Mod Podged paper. I just printed the labels, cut out a circle and taped them on using packaging tape.
Then, we filled them with Hershey's Hugs and Hershey's Kisses.
I opted for homemade valentines this year and the girls picked out last year's popular iLove valentine. Carly and Leighton chose their own playlists.
Some people commented that the earbuds get tangled when you put them all in a bag. When the child tries to pass them out, the string or earbuds come off. This would send Leighton into a downward spiral. My handy-dandy Food Saver to the rescue. I made bags out of several very large plastic bags from work. I put the iLove inside.
Sealed the top.
Cut right above the seal.
And ended up with this great little package.
These are Leighton's all ready to go.
Carly's looks the same. So no need for a picture right?
Yes, she has a very large class, 22 children.
The girls were out of school for three days. So, if you add the weekend it was five days of total togetherness. We crafted to pass the time. Leighton and I made heart garlands out of shredded crayons and wax paper. She helped me with this display in the entry. Not too bad for five.
She helped with this one too. All the hearts on the windows/sidelights are the melted crayon hearts. We had a great time making them.
Carly had a great time playing Wii without being disturbed.
I can not believe how talented you are. OK, I can believe it. You're the most talented and crafty person I know. What cute ideas!
Thanks, Darcy!
OMG! Quit making us all look so bad :) You are so crafty!
And those heart shirts are cuter then you would buy in the store. Genius!
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