Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am not stupid, but.....

I have been trying to update write my resume this week. It is HARD!! I figured I could knock it out in a day (two days, max.) It's been almost a week and I am still not done. There is a lot of information online, but not all of it is helpful. I hope to have it done and posted by the time the girls are in school. Wish me luck, because apparently I need it.


Amanda said...

Leslie, do you want to see a copy of mine?

Leslie said...

I apprciate that, but it is not the format. It is trying to condense my job duties and accomplishments into a concise thought.

darcy said...

Do you know anyone who can help you? Sometimes, it's great to sit down when someone who works in HR or is current with that stuff and get their input. It's really help me in the past.

Becca Hatch said...

I empathize. I fear the day that I have to do the same. I can hardly remember the days before I was a mom/half-assed piano teacher.

Leslie said...

Darcy-I was HR before I quit to stay at home and be a mom/but unlike Becca-not a half (or whole)assed piano teacher. That is what is so frustrating-this should be cake for me!