Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I finally fixed our shredder and was happily shredding nearly three months of papers when I found this To Do List of Leighton's.


1. Fiks Mare and Josuf.

2. Clen down stars.

3. Woter the plants.

4. Clen the tabol.

5. Wosh the tabol.

6. Vacyoom the Flor.

7. Ficx the Pikchrs.

8. Ficx the cawch.

9. Ficx the windos.

10. Ti bloons.

11. m you sic.

12. wrek.

13. wotr the plants.

14. ABC padrn.

15. Watr Plants.

She had checked each item off as she had done it, I assume. I really hope she didn't actually water my plants three times. And how exactly was she going to fix the windows? Number 11 took me awhile. (say it out loud)

She had additional days written; Sunday, Toosday, Winday. Those lists had only the number of items with checks next to them. Either she couldn't think of anything to do or decided to take those days off.


Becca Hatch said...

Can she come to my house? My toilets are disgusting.

darcy said...

Oh, I just love To Do Lists! She's going to be quite the accomplisher!

Megan Young said...

you have got to have a little music to do the cleaning.

Jenn Absher said...

We miss you guys! We should get together for a playdate with the girls or just a girls night out for me and you if that works. It has been too long!