Jensyn was supposedly asleep upstairs in her crib when I heard the distinct sound of little feet running to the playroom. I ran up the stairs to find her happily playing with her Little People. I asked her why she was out of her bed and she said she climbed out. I put her back in and asked her to show me how and sure enough out the little monkey climbed right out. So, I immediately got the allen wrench and turned her crib into a toddler bed.
She is the only one of the girls who ever climbed out. Carly was four when we turned her crib into a toddler bed and she says that sometimes she wishes she still had her crib. Leighton was three when she moved from a crib to a toddler bed. She was not happy about it. When we moved to this house, I was afraid that she would wet the bed. She was used to being so close to us and I could just run in and get her if she needed. She was mad for days and insisted on having her crib back.
I was getting ready to take Jensyn out of her crib as soon as she was potty trained. I found a cute bedding set at Target a couple of weeks ago and had saved it to make her new bed seem exciting. Well, I think Jensyn is happy about the whole thing.
She loved the owls, but the polka dots were her favorite.
She wanted in the sheets immediately.
She demonstrated her sleeping position.
She was nice enough to let Leighton try it out.
Lest you think that Leighton had some bizarre make-up accident. She had gone to a birthday party earlier that day.
I was a little concerned for Jensyn's first night. I expected her to be up and down all night. She did get out nearly ten times while I was still upstairs tucking the girls in. I went downstairs and after about 15 minutes I heard little feet coming down the stairs. She peeked around the corner into the family room, smiled really big and announced very proudly, 'I down here.' Dee and I tried so hard not to start laughing. Dee took her back upstairs and that was the last we saw of her until the morning.

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