Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Don't Think You Are

I saw a really cute step stool on a blog that read:

This Little Stool is Mine
I Use it All the Time.
To Reach the Things I Couldn't
And Lots of Things I Shouldn't.

Jensyn has several step stools around the house and I thought it would be fun to either paint that on one or....yes, you guessed it...use my Silhouette to cut it out in vinyl (or paper and Mod Podge it on.) Well, I have since abandoned that idea, since Jensyn has taken to using everything as her step stool; the kitchen chairs, the coffee table, the bed, the toy bins, stuffed animals, shoes, etc.

I watched her push the chair over and climb up onto the counter to get a glass. What you can't hear is her saying over and over, as she does it, "I being carefully, I being carefully." Umm, yeah, only NO you aren't!


coree said...

Umm, Hello Carol...put the glasses down where she can reach them.

darcy said...

So cute...I love that saying.

Megan said...

yeah, I finally caught up on all my little darlings. Did you paint your kitchen? I am sad I live so far away, I am loving that you are vinyl lettering queen now. Miss you! xoxoxoxox

Vanessa said...

Vivi does this all the time and it drives me nuts! I just hope they don't fall down and break their necks!

candice ashment art said...

love this photo!