Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Farewell to Poop Bum.

My girls have inherited my affinty for bathroom humor. (Even Jensyn) We found out that one of our favorite lines from Nanny McPhee will ALWAYS make her smile and usually make her laugh.

The line is "Poop Bum"

This is the part of the movie where the kids are introducing themselves to Nanny McPhee and Aggie, the baby, says her name is Poop. To which the older child says You can't be Poop, Charlie's Poop. Aggie then says Poop Bum. The sister complains You can't be both Poop and Bum.

Alas, we have to find a new trigger for those toothless grins and adorable giggles. Carly has walked up to random babies at Target and affectionately said Poop Bum, like other people say coochie-coo. She is getting some weird stares.

But, the straw that broke the camels back was the phone call I received from my sister-in-law, Megan. She called to tell me that Kate, 3, and she were looking at the blog and Kate was naming her cousins. When she got down to Jensyn she proudly stated Poop Bum!

So, any suggestions for baby humor?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The kids woke up yesterday, had their clothes on and were outside playing before the sun was completely up. That is why the picture of them is from the safety of the kitchen window.

Leighton and Carly having a snowball fight on the back deck. Poor children, they don't even know how to form a snowball.

Then this morning, we got up and went to Carly's school to sled. The girls and Dee had a great time and I even went down once. Thanks Megan, Dwane and kids for the great tube.

Carly and Dee waiting at the top.

Carly on her way down!

Leighton almost at the bottom. She didn't want to go at first, went once with Dee, and then she couldn't get enough.

I took some artsy pictures out of Leighton's window and I could tell they were artsy because Dee had no idea where the pictures were taken.

For those of you in UT and WY: Snow to you is no big deal, but for just this small amount of snow EVERYTHING was closed for two days. (Banks, schools, churches, government offices, court, etc.) But, we still got mail!! (Kathy, I put that one in for you!)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Gas Station and a Music Critic

Leighton heard me explain to Dee's mom that he was at the gas station getting a new toothbrush because the airline had lost his luggage. Leighton said

"He needs to get a new airline at the gas station."
I asked her
"Is that where you get a new airline?"

She replied,
"Of course, you can get anything you could ever need at the gas station-CANDY!"

For those of you who know Leighton well, you know she is speaking the truth. The only thing Leighton could ever need is candy.

On the way home from horseback riding lessons tonight, I was listening to the radio. It was Finger Eleven (a fairly current group.) I thought I could hear Carly saying something in the backseat, so I turn off the radio to listen. She leans back, puts her hands behind her head says,

"Ah quiet, my favorite song!"

(I'm sure the comment would have been different if I was listening to Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana!)

Monday, January 12, 2009


Jensyn can't decide if she likes pears. I have decided that she likes them just like Grandma Doll. She loves the taste and hates the consistency. This is a little video of the reaction. Gotta love the baby gag and shudder. Sorry for the shaking, I am laughing and trying to hold the camera with one hand and feed with the other. You know, the mommy multi-task.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This Child Has a Disability?????

Carly comes home from school and hands me her backpack to start homework. They are starting subtraction and Carly does not like it. I pull out her math sheet to find that she has changed the entire sheet of subtraction problems into addition problems with one small vertical line with her pencil.

She looks at me to see if she has been caught. I raise my brow and she confesses,

"Uh, Mom minuses are too hard. So I told Ms. Bell that I was going to do pluses and she said OK!"

To which I replied,

"Yeah right, get the eraser!"

She amazes me with her cunning.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I have been roped in!

After reading my friend's and family's blogs for the last year, I have decided that it would be nice for our families across the country to be able to see our girls grow up and hear of all their crazy antics. I do not promise to blog daily or even weekly, but I will do my best to keep it up to date.