Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just For You Grandma Doll

Or anyone else who wants to see more pictures of the girls. (If you want them bigger, just click on the picture)

Jensyn rolling over to get to me.

Jensyn chewing her favorite toy.

Cute little Jensyn (much cuter without the toy in her face-thanks, Leighton)

Carly's hair and the cat

Leighton's hair

Carly all ready for bed-freshly washed and dried hair.

Leighton ready for bed. Washed and dried.

Jensyn peeking out of her crib.

It's her new trick. She rolls over to the side and pulls the bumper down to see what's going on.

Smiling at Sissy.

Smiling at toys held by Sissy.

Not happy at the flashing camera.

Carly posing for you.

Leighton posing for everyone.

Old picture, but thought you might like to see how they spend most of their day.
(In jammies and on the floor)

1 comment:

The Amayesings said...

You guys made cute little girls. Good work.