Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Magical M&M

As a mom, I have found that the candy I grew up on is **magical.** It can soothe a crying toddler, potty train a two year old, and make a three year old behave while I do an important task something for myself.

M&M's can teach a child their colors, numbers, to share and to hurry. (Contrary to popular marketing slogans, those wondrous orbs of chocolate will melt in your hand. Especially if said hand belongs to a child.)

M&M's have taught my children to count, gotta make sure they get their fair share. They have even started to divide, your friends like M&Ms too.

The latest things that M&Ms have taught my children are as follows:

Carly has learned to read all the words. We start with a small pile of M&Ms at the beginning of a book. If she skips, not misreads, but just plain skips a word, I take an M&M away. At the end of the book, she gets what is left. This skipping words thing has been ongoing for quite awhile. I have scolded, huffed, pleaded and yelled, all to no avail. I bring out the M&Ms and BAM! she is reading like a champ.

Leighton has learned to.....ahem, this one is a little more personal......wipe. She just can't seem to remember to wipe after using the bathroom. I have scolded, huffed, pleaded and yelled (notice a pattern?) all to no avail. I promised her one, yes one, M&M for each time she wipes. So far, so good. She has even remembered to wipe at school. (Yes, she is on the honor system.)

Jensyn has learned to sign. She is much more apt to remember any sign if she repeats it over and over. If she uses a new sign, we practically throw a party. I dance around clapping and yelling 'Good girl, YAY Jensyn!' If she signs it a second time I reward her with an M&M.

I can already hear it; 'You are bribing your children for good behavior. You are teaching them that you should only be good, do what's right or what you are asked if you will be rewarded for it.'

To you I say, it's true. But, who do you know that goes to work and doesn't expect to get paid? Who volunteers their time to a worthless cause that doesn't make them feel good inside? Who uses their manners when no one is around to notice? We all do the things we do because we are rewarded in some way.
As my mother would say,
I prefer my reward in chocolate!


The Amayesings said...

You're smart, that's what. And I want my rewards in chocolate too. You go girl!

darcy said...

I think it's a great idea!