Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Drawing Blood

Carly has hypothyroidism and has to have her T4 and Free TSH levels tested periodically. I took her to have her blood drawn after school. Carly was asking if it was going to hurt. I told her it wasn't a shot, but it was going to hurt a little, but not for long. I explained that they would draw her blood to make sure that her thyroid medicine was working.

Carly is still fretting about the needle. Leighton is listening to all of this. Leighton tries to reassure her by saying, 'It's okay Carly they are just going to write your blood and then Mom will buy you ice cream.'

I love that five year old brain.

By the way, Carly did fine. Over the years, I have learned a few steadfast rules;
#1 Put her on my lap
#2 Tell the phlebotomist they get one chance and then we are leaving.
#3 Carly has a great vein in her hand, BUT
#4 If they want to use her arm, her veins roll terribly.
#5 Don't warn her when it's coming.
#6 Don't let her watch the sticking in of the needle.
#7 Do let her watch the blood filling up the vial.
#8 Don't let them put that hateful white tape on her arm - it hurts worse coming off than the needle prick.
#9 Ice cream erases the memory of any residual pain.
#10 Remove band aid ASAP-it just serves as a reminder.

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