Leighton sat on the couch and wrote a story. It took her about fifteen or twenty minutes. I tried to scan the actual story she wrote, but it was written too light and didn't turn out well. So here is the story transcribed EXACTLY as she wrote it:
51 Yersogo. wonman.rooldthe wold.
and thrwosnot e nof food fort he famle.
sothw ent onandon withnot enoffoodfor the fam le.
ovcos. t hatwos 45or 48 yer sogo.
Now with correct spacing:
51 Yers ogo, won man. roold the wold.
and thr wos not enof food for the famle.
so th went on and on with not enof food for the famle.
ov cos. that was 45 or 48 yers ogo.
And lastly, translated.
15 years ago, one man ruled the world.
And there was not enough food for the family.
So they went on and on with not enough food for the family.
Of course, that was 45 or 48 years ago.
Note: Yes, she meant 15 but wrote 51, it's not a typo.
This is not autobiographical. I know that she has been looking skinnier lately, but we do feed her. I think it has to do with the fact that she used to graze all morning at home and now she has to actually eat meals.
Starry Starry Night Pumpkin Patch
8 years ago
What a cutie! Save it... it's awesome!
I had it translated pretty close on the second round. Do you want me to send some food storage? Your kid seems a little stressed.
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