Sunday, October 3, 2010

Decorating for My Favorite Holiday

I saw these labels and had to print them out.
Leighton and I had such a fun time concocting the ingredients.
A list of our favorites:
Snake oil (cooking wine-I just put the scary label right over the real one),
Poison (water with green food coloring and a plastic roach-just to show the potency),
Eyeballs Preserved in Lemon Juice (marbles in water with yellow food coloring),
Werewolf Fur (cut fake fur),
Moon Dust (granulated sugar),
Graveyard Dust (brown sugar),
Swamp Fog (black cotton spider web),
Ethylene Glycol (water with blue food coloring),
Melted Witches (salsa),
Dead Man's Toes (jar of baby food bananas),
Vampire Fangs (candy corn),
Vampire Blood (strawberry jelly-I bought it on accident thought it said jam),
Spider Soup (Leighton's very own concoction of orange water with plastic spiders),
And the #1 Favorite:
Ogre Snot (corn syrup colored with yellow and green food coloring).
We just used jars that I have saved for just such a project. I either spray painted the lids (some are not yet painted in this picture) or used a black marker to cover them.
Leighton was so proud of these and couldn't wait to show anyone who came to the house.
(I felt the same way!)
We even made a huge spider egg sac. We used strips of cheesecloth and watered down Elmer's glue. We used a balloon for our form. Make sure you hold on to the balloon when you pop it or you will NEVER get it out. We looked everywhere for a large mommy spider, but couldn't find one. We will be on the lookout for next year.
We hung it in the entry to our family room.

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