Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pliers or DIE!!!

Leighton has her first REALLY loose tooth. It is the one on the bottom, front left. I tried to get her to let me pull it out with a tissue and she wasn't having any of it. I have learned that Leighton has to work up to anything new. The harder I push the more she pulls back. If I just back off she comes around. It was the night of the Fall Festival, so I just let it go and planned on dealing with it when we got home. (The pink hair is from Rock Star Day.)

Dee came home and the big girls and I went to the Fall Festival.

Leighton spent most of her time in line for the inflatable rides.

Carly spent her time at the basketball toss.

(Once again, don't mind the hair or clothes, it was Rock Star Day. But I do have to say, it was easy to keep track of my kids, even when they went in different directions. All I had to do was look for pink hair.)
They had tween music BlARiNG! Carly was in heaven. Here she is rockin' out!
(The fact that she is barefoot in this picture makes me shudder! I can only imagine the things she could get from the gym floor and the inflatables. Yikes!)
The girls had an awesome time. We went home to shower and get ready for bed. Leighton made the mistake of showing her daddy that she had a very loose tooth. Dee is squeamish about teeth, but he will touch anything with a tool. He went out to the garage and brought back in his pliers and told her that he was going to pull it out. That absolutely sent her. He told her that if she went to bed and it fell out and she swallowed it she would choke and die. That made matters worse. He just kept at her saying, 'Leighton, do you want the pliers or do you want to choke and die?' He kept getting closer and she kept backing up until he had her in the corner insisting, 'Pliers or Die!'
Can't you see the pleading for help in her eyes? I decided to intervene and stopped the whole thing. I sent Leighton to the shower and then to get ready for bed. After she was all tucked in I asked her if I could pull on it. I explained that if I pulled and it didn't come out, then I could be sure that she wouldn't swallow it in the night. She agreed and I grabbed a damp towel and wrapped it around the tooth and

out it popped.
She came running down the stairs with a huge smile to show her daddy. He looked at me with a puzzled expression and asked, 'How did you get her to let you pull it?'
'That's why I am the mommy.', I replied.


Becca Hatch said...

If I was her age, I would choose "Die" over letting a pair of dirty pliers in my mouth.

Leslie said...

In Dee's defense, he did clean them off with alcohol before he chased her down with them.