I saw a gingerbread village of five houses for $9.00. I picked one up so each girl could have a house to decorate. Leighton did more eating than decorating.
Jensyn focused on her roof.
She added pixie stick snow to top it off.
Leighton used lots of snow (frosting). Hers had a lot more candy on it, but as the day progressed it got barer and barer. Hmmm I wonder how that happened.
Carly was very particular as usual. I think I wrecked this kid completely when she was little and I made her put everything back EXACTLY where it went.
Before they got out for Christmas break, Leighton's class made gingerbread houses and Miss Potts asked me to come in and help.
Leighton did her normal-use your clothes as a rag-technique.
This time I think she took it to the extreme!
Starry Starry Night Pumpkin Patch
8 years ago
Are those the kits from Target? Because I bought them there and loved them.
I am now officially caught up on your blog-o-rama. Looks like a fabulous holiday!
Pillow pets were the hot item at our house. Aubrey didn't get one and was bummed. I guess I'll have to get her one for her b.day.
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