Saturday, October 10, 2009

Leighton's First Field Trip

Leighton's first Field Trip was Friday. They went to the local touristy farm.

This is what I was greeted with shortly after I woke up. I only caught this 6:05 a.m. picture because I was replacing batteries in my camera. I did it before my shower, so I wouldn't forget. I turned around and there she was dressed and ready to go.
These were the girls in my charge for the day. They were very excited and
had a hard time waiting for their turn.

They are learning all about cows.

This is L.G. (large goat), he loves attention. The kids got a kick out of him climbing the fence to get a better look at things.

This is Gilbert. He is about four weeks old, and very cute.

This is Leighton trying her hand at 'milking' a cow.

The exciting 'hayride'.
There is no hay.

The class, ready to learn about making butter. They divided themselves into a boy table and a girl table.
I hope Leighton stays not liking boys for a long time.

They passed the jar of cream and bolts (for friction) around to each child. They chanted each child's name as they shook the jar, Leighton's by the garden gate, waiting on a butter cake. Churn, butter, churn.
I wasn't thinking and didn't get a picture of Leighton churning.

The butter they made.

Leighton enjoying the fruits of her labor.

A quick photo op.

Jumping on the pumpkin pillow.

Leighton catching some serious air. Not, surprisingly, she wanted to be done after that.

That is what I get for not letting my children jump on trampolines. They are terrified when they catch a little air.

Leighton in the corn bin.
My girlfriend told me later, one year when she went it was closed due to a snake in the corn.

Off to pick the perfect pumpkin.

Here it is.

Leighton's favorite part of the field trip.......riding the bus!


Becca Hatch said...

That kid is so stinking cute I can't even stand it. I really like the picture where she is catching air.

darcy said...

What a fun day!