Saturday, December 25, 2010


The stockings were hung by the chimney. The tree was up and decorated.
The carrots for the reindeer, cookies and milk for Santa were all laid out. Scratch that, sorry Santa, no milk. I was up before the kids and saw that Santa had left Pillow Pets, but unfortunately he didn't take the pet on the pillow. Leighton got the Baby Alive she wanted.
And the Legos. But no Go Go my walking pup. Santa left her a note on the tree. It said that he thought that her dog, Gus, would prefer her to play with him. She seemed satisfied with that.

Carly got her Wii Fit Plus.
And her Winter Games.
And Jensyn got her Little People.
Santa also brought them a new t.v. for upstairs. He must have felt bad for them. They have been watching a 20 year old tiny t.v.
Both sets of Grandparents gave Zhu Zhu pets along with many other things.
My favorite game that Carly got was a tie between Michael Jackson's Experience (I know you recognize the glove) or Disney's Sing It Pop Star (the microphone). We could be entertained for hours.
And Aunt Coree sent the girls some gloves and socks. They weren't sure which these were. I helped them figure it out. I think Leighton was a little disappointed. She was really hoping for some evening gloves.
This baby had a wonderful day, but crawled up into my bed and went to sleep long before bedtime.
My favorite, most wonderful, exciting, fun, fancy, amazing, cool, neat, etc. present?

My parents bought me a Silhouette SD cutter. I am so in love with this thing. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head. Too bad Michael's isn't open on Christmas. Stay tuned for some projects I have in mind.


helicke said...

AWESOME facial expressions--love Jensyn's look when Leighton opened the Baby Alive!

Leslie said...

I didn't even notice it until you said something. It is great!