Tuesday, March 31, 2009

8 Things

I was tagged by Tia. It is my first tag. I can't decide if I am excited or not.

Here are the rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2)Answer the six "8" items

8 Favorite Shows:
1. Sesame Street
2. Dora the Explorer
3. Miss BG
4. My Friend Rabbit
5. Elliot Moose
6. Maisy
7. Dragon
8. CSI (the others I love because my children will watch them and leave me alone.)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Ran the school store.
2. Counted money for the Spring Candy Sale.
3. Cleaned my nasty house from one end to the other with the help of Dee and Leighton and NO help from #3.
4. Finished Animal Farm. (never read it, saw it on the shelf and figured why not?)
5. Talked to my favorite sister (hopefully I made her day a little better. Love you Coree!)
6. Helped Carly with TOO much homework for second grade
7. Watched Steve-O's very painful Lindy Hop.
8. Fought with #3 for at least an hour to GO TO BED!

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Warmer weather (I stole this from Tia)
2. Our trip to Utah.
3. Dee finding a job.
4. Not having to worry that everything I eat or drink affects my child. (NEVER AGAIN)
5. The Easter Bunny's arrival (my kids are so fun!)
6. Leighton starting kindergarten. (at least I am now, probably not when it actually happens)
7. Stepping down as PTO President.
8. Having a clean attic.

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. El Perico
2. Olive Garden (slowly falling out of favor, not so good the last couple of times)
3. Chili's
4. Any pizza joint.
I am not a go out to eat girl. I would much prefer to stay at home, so I can't think of the required 8.

8 Things On My Wish List:
1. Nice body with no work.
2. New furniture throughout my house.
3. Pool
4. Healthy children, always.
5. TONS of money
6. Teleporter for dinner at my mom's.
7. Wonderful job for Dee, that he loves, with great benefits.
8. Perfectly behaved children (it did say wish list)

8 People I Tag:
1. Vanessa
2. Megan
3. Becca- I think she has already done this one.
4. Mary-A nice way to get back into blogging, no?
5. Courtney
6. Coree
7. Jen
8. I think that is all my blogging friends that have not already been tagged.

1 comment:

The Amayesings said...

You were excited. I can tell by your answers. Ha ha

Hey, when is your trip to Utah? Maybe we could meet for lunch? Let me know!