Thursday, March 26, 2009

You have got to love this kid!

I got the new issue of Family Fun in the mail yesterday. Leighton and I were looking through it to find some fun things to do this month. Carly came home from school and immediately picked it up and started thumbing through it as well. She stopped on a page and said "Wow, this is what I want for my birthday!!!" I figured it was some advertisement for Disneyland or a new playground. She brought the magazine to me. There is a section where parents write in and tell their great ideas. One mother had taken empty packages from crackers, milk, fish sticks, etc. She cleaned them out and taped them shut. Her daughter could then 'shop' at the store. There was a picture of her daughter with a toy shopping cart 'shopping' at the bookcase full of 'food'. This is what my child wanted for her birthday. EMPTY PACKAGING!!

I told her that looked like fun, and reminded her that her birthday is not until the end of July. She ran to show Dee. He told her that we don't play with trash and that empty boxes were trash. She was very angry and insisted that she wanted these packages for her birthday. They argued back and forth for a couple of minutes.
Dee saying, "They are trash"
Carly pointing at the magazine countering, "They are not trash. I want them for my birthday."
He finally grabbed the magazine from her and put it up where she couldn't reach it. She crossed her arms across her chest, puffed out a big breath of air and said,
"My birthday is ruined!!!"

Note to my family: I have never told her the 'My Christmas is ruined' story of the daylily stamp for Mom, so she did NOT get it from me.


Becca Hatch said...

You kill me. That idea is something I would NEVER come up with- I wouldn't have the mental stamina to save all those empty boxes. Empty, hell. I throw boxes away if I deem there's not enough left in them.

Vanessa said...

Geez Dee. Big mean birthday ruiner!

The Amayesings said...

That sounds very much like the Dee I remember. Poor girl. :o)

Leslie said...

Becca- I didn't say I would do it. Just that it looked fun.
V- You obviously don't know Dee.
Tia-You obviously do!