Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Betty Crocker, I am NOT!!

I can follow a recipe. I can bake a cake. I even make a mean meatloaf (thanks, Mom.) But, I can't COOK. My grandma could make a four course meal with whatever she had in the cupboard. My mother-in-law makes dinner (always delicious), takes the leftovers and makes something completely different. Then, takes those leftovers and makes something else. If I have leftovers, they sit in the fridge until they end up the dog's treat. I watch cooking shows. I read cookbooks. I have several friends, you know who you are, who are excellent cooks. I have decided, for my own sanity, that you are born with that talent. I was NOT born with that gene (No thanks, Mom!)


Becca Hatch said...

Here's a tip- go to Allrecipes, do a search by ingredient, like "Cooked Chicken" and watch the ideas appear. You can do it.

ShazBraz said...

Right there with ya babe. I can follow a recipe; I have been successfully keeping food in my family now for 12 years, but I just don't have that cooking gene...