Monday, May 11, 2009

Five Going on Fifteen

Leighton's birthday is tomorrow. She will be five. Most five year old girls want Barbies, baby dolls, Polly Pockets, etc. for their birthday. Not Leighton! She wants a bikini. A Bikini!?!?!?!?!? She is FIVE for crying out loud! What will she want at six? A belly button piercing? She is growing up too fast.

HELP! What do I do???? Buy her a new set of Polly Pockets who are all wearing? um, bikinis. Convince her that nice girls don't wear bikinis and talk her into a nice Barbie doll in a what? bikini?!? Therein lies my problem. My children are surrounded by girls in bikinis. So what, you ask, did I do?

Yes, you guessed it. I bought her the bikini. How could I not when she looked so cute in it?


Becca Hatch said...

I would have done the same thing! She does look cute. Kiki wears her bikini for clothes- to the babysitter, to Walmart, and to the mall.

Megan Young said...

you are in big trouble...

The Amayesings said...

Your girls are DARLING! (I try to use that word sparingly, only in truest cases.) It looks like you're looking forward to summer as am I! I LOVE not having to wake the kids up and battle them all morning long to get going. I love the warm weather and happy times visiting and playing. Days to go now! WOO HOO!

Vanessa said...

Uhoh. You are going to have to fight the boys off w/a stick!