Monday, May 4, 2009

There are Amazing People Out There

Carly has a wonderful friend, Betsy. Betsy is Carly's side walker during horseback riding lessons. Betsy loves Carly and Carly loves Betsy.
Carly's instructer, Laurel, asked her husband, Mark, to come and take pictures of the kids. These are a few of my favorites. All the people who participate are volunteers. It takes a special person to commit to spend their precious time helping out some kids who need it. To them I say, THANK YOU!!!!


The Amayesings said...

How awesome! What a unique and wonderful experience. Good for everyone involved.

PS I'd do the pay it forward thing but can't commit to something I'm afraid I would fail to follow through on. I don't want you to think I'm not interested.

Betsy said...

You are too sweet. Carly is the highlight to my week. Her bright spirit and brutal :-) honesty really keep me going. She is my special angel.