Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Feeling a Little Random

I have been very busy this week with work. I spent two days with one of my very best friends. We laughed, joked around, cracked on each other and got paid. It is hard to call it work, when I had such a fun time with one of my most favorite people! Thanks Lisa!
My neighbor told me that he was looking out the window and saw a large turtle in our front yard. He gathered his boys and started out the door. They were all so excited and tried hard not to scare it. As he got closer he noticed......

that he had been punk'd. It was Leighton's yard ornament, Turtlely. He travels, aided by Leighton, all over our yard. He drinks from the downspouts, eats the grass, takes rides in Leighton's four wheeler and baby stroller, smells the flowers, etc. Sorry for the disappointment along with embarrassment, John.
I planted all the plants that the girls gave me for Mother's Day. They look great and make me want to buy hundreds more along with mulch, stacked stone, and rock (not great). I was walking around today and decided to take a couple pictures to share. This is our wild rosebush mixed in with wild blackberries.A close-up of the blooms. Gorgeous.A very silver-blue hosta. This picture doesn't do it justice.This is just to show how easy it is to garden in NC. I got this hosta from Lisa's mom. It was a small clump last spring, it was burnt by the sun last summer and look how big and beautiful it is now. Crazy!
The lantana the girls bought. In Utah this is an annual, but here it is a perennial. I am so excited for this this to just get bigger and bigger.A close-up of the lantana bloom. Love, love, love it!!

Lunch today:

Me: How much cheese do you think our family eats?
Dee: I don't know.
Me: I think a lot. And I am probably the main culprit.
Leighton: Yeah, Mom! You're compromised of cheese!

What? Where does she come up with this?


ShazBraz said...

so pretty! I want pix of your whole yard...

The Amayesings said...

I LOVE the plant pics! Also, I love the Turtley story. What a fun little thing to do--ESP. when it fools the friends and neighbors. AND, isn't it nice to be comprised of cheese? Big words for a little one. Are kids just coming to this world smarter and smarter? I'm thinking so!

Megan Young said...

Love the yard, font and leighton. I like random stuff by the way.

Vanessa said...

I love Hosta's!! What beautiful plants!