It was a beautiful day outside and the girls were looking for something to do. I, using my devilishly ingenious motherly mind, asked if they wanted to earn some money. Of course, they jumped at the opportunity. We have a lot of pine cones and sweet gum balls in the yard. I told them if they filled a box I would give them $2.00 each. They had such fun gathering them, I had to grab a few pictures.
Leighton in her Dad's Disney World hat and her very own John Deere gloves.

If you have ever wondered why Leighton is constantly falling, check out her feet.

Carly was intent on getting every last sweet gum ball.

The bounty. They filled the boxes nearly twice.

Just in case you wondered what sweet gum balls looked like.
I have heard they are great for crafting..if you need some I've got all you could ever need.

After all that hard work, they needed a rest.

and a snack.

I do love these girls.
Like my sister says, they get excited about everything!
I want to make money cleaning the yard! And even though those sweet gum balls look like they're a pain in the grass (sorry, couldn't help it) they do look like they'd be good for crafting. But I don't want any, thanks. :)
I love that last pic of them smiling at each other eating their snack. So sweet!!!
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