Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Little Back Tracking

We have done so much lately that I haven't had the chance to blog about everything in order. I would eventually like to have my blog made into a book so, I would like to keep everything in chronological order. I will be posting some new posts this week. I will try to list and link to them in this post. This will keep you from having to scroll down everyday looking for new posts.
Just click on the title and it will take you to the post.
I think that is it for old posts. It's time to get on with 2010!

2009 Jensyn's Tricks of the Week-Archive

12-28 When Dee came home from his first day of work and opened the garage door, Jensyn looked at the laundry door waiting. Her eyes got really big and she said, 'OOHH, Mama!' She looked at me sitting next to her, smiled and said, "Dada."

12-09 You know it's a bad diaper when Jensyn hold her nose while you change it. (Her latest trick.)

11-09 I have been leaving the gate down during the day, for the last couple of weeks. Jensyn LOVES going up and down the stairs at her leisure. The toys up there are so much more fun than the baby toys she has down here. Hopefully by Christmas the gate will be down full time

10-12 Jensyn said 'Ee-o' when I showed her the Elmopalooza DVD cover.Maybe it's time to introduce Sesame Street.

9-21 Jensyn loves the cat. She tries to give it love, but hasn't quite got the fine/gross motor skills to pet the cat without hitting it. She will chase it around calling yeow, yeow, yeow. I am not sure if she is trying to say meow and just hasn't figured it out yet, or if she is so used to the cat running off and yelling yeow, that she thinks yeow is what the cat says.

9-07 Jensyn LOVES chocolate. She will use all/every sign she knows to try to convey that she WANTS CHOCOLATE! If this fails she resorts to the ever fail safe scream of death!
Me: (silently to myself) Come on ALL together now! Do not kill the child.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Only, 17 years times 365, 6205 days to go!

8-24 Walking, walking, walking. She is consumed with walking. YAY YAY YAY

8-10 I would have been happy with one sign at a time, but the child who holds out has finally opened the flood gates. When I came home from work, Jensyn crawled over, climbed up and signed 'more' then 'cheese' and not just once. YAY! She now signs phone, out, baby, fan, eat, and is working very hard on popcorn.

8-03 Jensyn is definitely Grandpa's girl. Grandpa came over this weekend and Jensyn took at least six steps, followed by BIG loves. But ONLY to Grandpa. I have been trying all week with no results. Maybe Grandpa can move in for awhile.

7-27 Jensyn is signing, transfering from one piece of furniture to another, she is standing alone, taking unsure steps and imitating everything. She also got her other front tooth and her other eye tooth. That puts her up to six teeth. Sheesh! Can't she spread it out a little.

7-20 Jensyn is FINALLY crawlng on all fours, consistently. She is also letting go of furniture and standing for at least a second before she falls down.

7-13 Jensyn learned her latest trick from her older cousin, Bridger. She screams at the top of her lungs, at the top of the range of human hearing, until she gets what she wants.The dogs bark, I cringe and she gets what she wants. I guess it does what it is supposed to do.
Coree-I WILL figure out a way to get you back for this

6-28 Jensyn is pulling up to everything! Yay! She is still not crawling with her belly off the floor. Hopefully that will come shortly. Jensyn also has two more teeth, which brings her up to four. One is the eye tooth on the same side as her top tooth, the other is the second bottom front tooth.

6-15 Jensyn has perfected the golf clap. She uses it as one of her many signs for more. I have been trying to get it on video this week, but she is more interested in the camera.

6-08 Jensyn talks on the phone. If you say Hello! she will hold her hand, or anything else, up to her ear. She also has another tooth. It is on top, on the same side as her bottom one.

6-01 Jensyn is pointing. She points at what she wants and waits patiently (for about 3 seconds) and then starts grunting or screaming until she gets it. (You know how I love the point and grunt. It is time to ramp up the sign language!)

5-25 Jensyn's newest trick is to throw EVERYTHING! passie, food, sippy cup, food, glasses, toys, food, books, food, food, food. I am really done with this trick.

5-18 Jensyn is now able to get from lying down to sitting on her own.
UPDATE: Jensyn is FINALLY pulling up to a stand. I coaxed her up with the promise of the remote and that was the ticket. She is a busy girl this week.

5-11 She can unroll a whole roll of toilet paper in less than 30 seconds. That has to be some kind of record.

5-04 Jensyn is now giving open mouth kisses. Yum! Baby spit.

4-27 Jensyn has perfected the combat crawl and she is -FAST!

4-20 She is signing milk. She is also waving. So sometimes it's hard to tell if she is just saying hi or wants milk.

4-13 When you tell her no, which we do a lot, she smiles and shakes her whole upper body no.

4-06 She is now scooting forward on her belly. She digs her toes into the carpet and pushes forward. Crawling-here we come.

3-30 I think she is finally over the GERD. Yeah!

2009 Leightonisms of the Week-Archive

12-28 Dee: Leighton do you want some cocktail wienies?
Leighton: Cottontail wings? What are cottontail wings?
Hello, Jessica Simpson.

12-09 Shortly after she vomited her entire stomach contents: 'Mom, I threw up stuff I didn't even eat!!'

11-09 Michael Jackson: It's Black, It's White. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Leighton Young: Ya Neck, It's White, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

9-21 News in the background: ....Michael Jackson was laid to rest.....
Leighton: What does laid to rest mean?
Me: Laid to rest is when they bury someone.
Leighton: I thought they only buried you when you died?
Me: That's right.
Leighton: (horrified)Michael Jackson died?!?!?!?!
Me: Yes, remember he died while we were at Grandma Doll's.
Leighton:(sobbing, nearly hysterically)But, I wanted to hear him sing in real life!
She went on to cry for almost twenty minutes.

9- 07 Me: Leighton, why don't you want to go to school? (yes, her too!)
Leighton: I'm sick of those naps!
Me: Those are the rules and some kids still need naps. Next?
Leighton: I'm sick of that criss-cross applesauce!
Me: Goodbye, have a wonderful day at school! I love you!
(Silently to myself) Do not kill the child.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Only 173 more days to go!

8-24 Oh, Mom, I get it. Adults like boring.

8-10 Me: Leighton, those shoes don't even fit. Take them off, I am sure that they hurt your feet. Leighton: It's okay, Mom. They have sparkles and they're high heels.
She is already willing to sacrifice comfort for a cute shoe

8-03 Star Balactica. As in, "I hate that Star Balactica, it is soo boring."
I have to agree, Battlestar Galactica is boring.

7-27 Leighton: I am scared to go to kindergarten.
Me: Why?
Leighton: I won't know anybody.
Me: Uh? OK?. (Leighton knows and is known by nearly everyone at the school.)

7-20 Leighton: Mom, what color is my hair?
Me: Dark blonde, why?
Leighton: (with tears in her eyes) I want my hair to be blonde, can you dye it?
Me: (silently) You are five, what am I going to do with you at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17?

7-13 Daddy how old are you? Really, you are really that old? Wow, that's old!

6-28 My parents have pressurized irrigation for watering the yard. Leighton has heard me use the term secondary water while we have been here. I overheard her telling Carly,
'Don't drink that secretary water, it's dirty!'

6-15 Can I take a picture of you? I promise I won't put it on my blog (To me, as I was heading into the shower)
Yeah, right, go ahead. NOT!

6-08 Once I knew that ivy was poisonfied, I didn't touch it!!

6-01 You have something on your shirt. Followed closely by Bbbbrrrruuuppp! as she runs her finger up your shirt to get you on the nose. Thanks, Grandpa!

5-25 I had some Pull-ups from work. I was taking them to Grandma Young's to put with the rest of her stash of any/everything a kid could need.
Leighton asked"Why does Grandma need the Pull-ups? For when she gets old and can't remember to go to the bathroom?"
Beware old people: The time will come when you will ALL forget to go to the bathroom!
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Where does she get this stuff?

5-18 On her birthday, she asked me 'Will I still be five tomorrow?' I'm not sure if she thought she would go back to four or go forward to six!

5-11 I miss EVERYTHING! (said, riding in the car. Dee and I were talking about something outside the car.)

5-04 I am still HUNGRY!
Translation: I don't like what was served. What else do you have?

4-27 Dad, do you want a Bug Light??The funniest part is he hates Bud Light

4-20 Leighton likes to listen to the rock/pop radio station. She loves Kelly Clarkson's newest song that goes: My life would suck without you. Being only 4 (at least for a couple more weeks) Leighton sings: My life, what's up, without you.
Thank goodness for innocence and I obviously need to be a better gateway between my children and the world.

4-13 Dad, you need to shave your beard. You have a lot of spikes.

4-06 Don't forget my minifier, Dad. (humidifier-she has been sick)

3-30 I want to live all by myself.
How quickly they change, note last weeks quote.

3-23 When I go to kindergarten, I am going to pretend that I am sick everyday, so I can stay home with you.

2009 Carly's Quotes of the Week-Archive

12-28 Dinner is my favorite holiday!!
(yes, Carly, I think we are all aware of that.)

12-12Carly to Dee(yelling):What the hell?!?
Me (eyebrow raised): Carly?!?
Carly to me (whispering): What am I supposed to say instead of hell?

11-09 Carly: Mom, I need to tell you a sneakret.
Me: A sneakret?
Carly: Yeah, it's a very sneaky secret.

10-12 That's okay. I forgive her. (After explaining to me why she had gotten in trouble at school. Her teacher had marked down her conduct.)
Me: Uh, I don't think that is how that works.

9-21 Carly: Mom, since you're sick. I'll just blow you a kiss and hugs.
Me: Uh, ok.
Carly: I love you. I hope you get better.
Me: (silently to myself) It doesn't get better than this.

9-07 Carly: Do I have to go to school tomorrow?
Me: (silently to myself) Do not kill the child! Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Only 173 more days to go.

8-24 Carly: "Mom, I had a bad dream about vampires."
Me: "Vampires are not real."
Carly: (disgustedly) 'I know, but they are in my brain."

8-10 Carly: "Dear, Heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. (Insert tattling session or the next day's itinerary here) In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
My thought the entire 'bless', as Carly calls it: I wonder if God hates the tattling as much as I do.

8-03 Carly: "Mom, can we watch Ren and Stiffy?"
Yes, we have, on occasion, let our kids watch Ren and Stimpy.
Please don't call DFS.

7-27 Carly:"I want this for my birthday."
Me: You already picked out your present and watched me buy it and wrap it.
Carly: "I need something more!"

7-20 During breakfast,"What are we having for lunch?"
During lunch,"What are we having for dinner?"
During dinner,"What are we having for breakfast tomorrow?"
Is this kid a Gleave, or what? The only thing on her mind is food!

7-13 'Do I have school tomorrow?'
Not to be confused with the previous, Do I have to go to school tomorrow? This is why I want year round school.
Leslie-patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virture (how long until this helps?!?)

6-28 Mom, this is your FAVORITE song! Said during EVERY dance number at Kambri and Devyn's recital.

6-15 Can I take [insert any random item here] to Grandma's?
Needless to say packing has been painful.

6-08 Don't chew with your mouth open!
- you guessed it..with her mouth full of food.

6-01 Can I get in the pool?
I think by August she will have grown gills, out of necessity.

5-25 Remember what Grandma said?!? That hurts my feelings!(said after anything including: put on your pajamas, clean your room, put on your seatbelt, and put your dishes in the sink.) Thanks, Grandma!

5-18 We need that! (when viewing ANY, and I mean ANY, infomercial)

5-11 One is a sloppy number! (Said to her dad, when he told her she could only get one swimming suit.)

5-04 School is OVER!!!!!She thinks if she says it enough, it will happen.

4-27 Kanye West: How could you be so heartless?
Carly Young: How could you be so hot lips?

4-20 Carly is VERY done with school, so her current query is:Isn't it summer yet?Followed closely by:Do I have to go to school tomorrow?

4-13 She did it on purpose!!!

4-06 DON'T COUNT!!!!!!

3-30 Soda is not good for you, it has too much sugar.
Less than a minute later: Mom, can I have a Coke?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Before and After

Remember these pictures?of our Christmas tree all decorated?
This is what it looks like now after Jensyn un-decorated it. We have slowly moved all the ornaments out of her reach. I guess it is time to come down!

Monday, December 28, 2009

..and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Leighton has been going around singing the 12 days of Christmas, NONSTOP. The only thing that keeps me sane is her version. There is only one verse:
On the {enter any number here} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Five Golden rings,
Three turtle ducks,
Two friendships
and a partridge in a pear tree.

Grandma Young let her borrow a book with the correct words. It's not near as fun to hear it now that she knows all the right words.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are the Odds?

Note: If vomit makes you....vomit...then skip this post.

Dee's brother came down from DC for the Christmas holiday. Between the two of them there are seven kids. You would think that the odds would be fairly even when it comes to vomiting. But if there have been 100 instances at the dinner table, 99 would be my kids and of those 99, 98 would have been Carly.

Tonight Carly had a tickle in her throat. The fact that she was sitting next to her favorite cousin and was talking and eating and laughing all at the same time didn't help either. Anyway, she started coughing and threw up, at the dinner table. I jumped up and rushed her to the bathroom. She threw up in the bathroom and then turned around and tried to go out the door, back to the table. I stopped her and told her she needed to get cleaned up. She had vomit all over her shirt and pants. She let me clean her up a little and then tried to leave again. I told her that we were probably going to go home. She was very upset and started crying.

I said, 'No one wants to sit by someone who is throwing up in their food.'
She stomped her foot, crossed her arms in front of her and yelled, "We'll just see what Dad has to say about this!"

I know what her dad would say about it....BBBLLLAAAGGHHH!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Favorite Part of Christmas!

This video of Jensyn rocking out to the Barbie Camp Out Trailer is the BEST!

Santa WUZ Here!

The girls had a wonderful Christmas. It started on Christmas Eve. Grandma and Grandpa Young came over and brought cold cuts and Cherry-O-Cheesecake for dinner YUM!
The girls opened a present, Kerplunk!, and we played! We watched Santa on NORAD and about the time he reached South America, Leighton started to get concerned that he wouldn't come if they weren't in bed. She and Carly started begging to go to bed. They fell asleep quickly and I think I heard hooves on the roof before I went to bed.

The next morning the Carly came down and was so happy to see that Santa had finally arrived. I took mostly video of the girls opening their presents and Blogger does not like my videos. I will try to upload some this week, but wanted to get this post done before the new year.

Jensyn got a kitty that purrs when you pet it. She has played with Leighton's until the batteries are dead. She loved it and her new baby doll. She wouldn't hardly stay still for me to take any pictures. She tucked one under each arm and was off.

I think Santa is not making good decisions in his old age. He brought TWO water toys to the girls. Leighton got the Polly Pocket Roller Coaster that splashes and Carly got the Barbie Salon that you wash the Barbie's hair. Maybe Santa better think long and hard next year.
Leighton and Carly were so cute to share each other's presents.
They really enjoyed the Barbie Camp Out Trailer. So did Jensyn. But, when she was enjoying it, they didn't like it. She got kicked out of everywhere. Poor Baby! Look at that scowly, crying face!
The aftermath!
As usual Santa, Mom, Dad and Grandparents went overboard. Then the girls headed to Grandma and Grandpa Young's for more presents.
I think this is a present for me. too. No more bending over to push Jensyn on the big girl trike.
Grandma and Grandpa Young got us a Wii for Christmas. This is how the girls and Dee will spend the next week. FUN!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Best Christmas Present EVER!!

Dee was offered a job with a local company today. He starts on January 4th. It is a chemical company who makes non woven fabric. He will be doing the same thing he did at his previous job, before the promotion, which led to the layoff.

We are truly blessed. I would like to thank all of you who have supported us during this difficult fourteen months. We have such good friends and family. I know that many of you were praying for us, always on the lookout for an opportunity to help Dee find a job, or even just a shoulder to cry on.

Thank you again.

Christmas Lights

The entire gang headed out to The Meadow Lights last night. Do you think eight is enough? Jensyn will make it nine next year.
(l-r)Top Row: Jordan V, Madison R, Makenna H, Taylor V, and Ryan R
Bottom Row: Leighton, Riley H, and Carly.

Carly enjoying the carousel.

Leighton and Jordan. Leighton has developed a crush on Jordan and must be constantly by his side.* It is cute now, but I am not looking forward to her 'crushes' when the boys will be interested back. Jordan is so sweet to always let her tag along.Can't you see the adoration in her eyes?The gang on the train. The train takes you out into the lights. It was beautiful. The only thing it was missing to make it perfect.....SNOW!! (Note Leighton is sitting right next to Jordan and smiling VERY big.Just a small sampling of the lights that we were able to see. The lights are free and the train ride is only $2.00 a person. They have an old fashioned candy store where the kids all got rock candy. Then they were able to see Santa, again. If you are at all close, you must not miss this.

We left Meadow and headed to Lake Myra in Wendell. We didn't take any pictures, but that was only because we were enjoying the show so much, I forgot. A sweet gentlemen has decorated his and a couple of his neighbors' homes with over 220,000 lights. He then programs them to music and broadcasts it so you can listen on your car radio. It is absolutely amazing. We missed the magic show and Santa, but we won't next year. We have already planned; lawn chairs, blankets and dinner. Can't wait!

* Leighton informed me after I posted, "I am NOT going to marry Jordan. I am going to marry Camden. After I die and Jordan dies then we can play together, in heaven, with Jesus."

I hope that is a VERY long time from now.

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Official!

Today at lunch, Jensyn was not eating and started porpoise squawking to get down. I nicely showed her (again) the sign for 'all done.' Then in a sing song voice said, "Tell me all done." All I got in return was more squawking and squirming. The previous one sided conversation was repeated at least two more times. At this point I was irritated and under my breath, in a disgusted voice, I said, "That's fine, you can just sit there until you sign it." She looked at me, smiled and signed all done.

I wasn't sure whether to be happy or mad. She can sign and communicate, she is just either stubborn or lazy.


Leighton was awarded the Mid-Year Spelling Award for her class. Dee and I had bets on whether she would actually go up and accept the award or just put her head down and cry when they called her name. Well, she did it! I won't tell you who lost the bet.
She was presented a certificate and a charm from her principal and asst. principal.

These are all of the award winners for kindergarten through second grade.

A close up of her award.

How she really feels about it.

This award is a shock to me. Not because she can't spell, she can. It is just that my family is not known for their spelling. My dad, brothers, uncles, cousins can't spell. There were plenty of times my mom had NO IDEA what my dad had written on the grocery list (and sometimes when he didn't know either.) Dee is not the best speller either. But, my girl can spell. I guess she got some good genes along with the rotten ones.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is That How That Works?

As I tucked Leighton in tonight, she mentioned that she forgot to tell Santa Claus that she wanted pants for Christmas.
Me: Maybe, I can let him know somehow.
Leighton (looking to the heavens): "Santa, Can you please bring me some pants?"
Me (laughing): "You can't just talk to Santa like you can to Jesus and God."
Leighton (still looking to the heavens): "Jesus, can you tell Santa that I want some new pants?"
I guess in a five year old's world..........

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sleeping Under the Tree

One of the activities on our advent was sleeping under the Christmas Tree. This one struck me as so much fun. I would have LOVED to have done this as a kid. Why you ask? I have no idea, but it just seems so magical. The girls were just as excited as I would have been. Dee set up their sleeping bags and they snuggled in. It took them a little longer than usual to calm down and fall asleep, but can you blame them? I took these after they had fallen asleep.
Carly was a little disapointed that Santa hadn't come in the morning.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snowmen Candy Bars

I was looking for a quick, easy and cheap gift for Carly to take to the volunteers at horseback riding. I came across the most adorable snowmen from Laurie Fernell. You can click here for her instructions AND the best part-a free pdf.

They are a Hershey's chocolate bar wrapped in plain printer paper. Laurie's pdf has two snowmen to a page. You use a baby sock for the hat and scraps for the scarf. I cut up one of Carly's dresses that the seam had been torn out for scarves for the ones with pink and yellow hats. I used an old wool sweater for scarves for the others.

Leighton wanted them for her class. Maybe next year. She had already decided on the candy cane mice from Martha Stewart. (I had to steal this from some one's blog. Martha no longer has the pattern on her website. We used foam sheets and mixed and matched the colors. But, forgot to take pictures.)
Here they are all bagged up and ready to go.

This would even be cute for a 'thank you' in January.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Caroling For Cans

The Girl Scouts went Caroling For Cans at the State Capital tree lighting. We rode down with Amanda, Madison, Michelle, and Taylor. My girls LOVE Amanda's minivan, so they were in heaven. This is the girls after we bundled them up, it was ccccold.

(take no notice of Leighton's hair-she lost her Santa hat at least six times before this picture) They gathered together to carol their hearts out.Leighton singing.Carly was cracking us up with her antics. Here is a little taste of her hand motions/choreography.

The girls were able to take a carriage ride after caroling. We waited in line for about an hour and a half. We piled them all in. Leighton is on the left side, right in the middle.

Carly was very excited, even though you can't tell from this picture.The look on the girls face was so worth the wait in the cold. It was even cold enough for me to (gratefully)borrow Michelle's hat.Amanda was completely covered as well, but wouldn't allow pictures. There was a picture of Michelle, too. But, it is not appropriate for family viewing. She wasn't happy with us at the time, so I will let you venture a guess at her hand motions/choreography.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Jensyn has graduated from this.....To this.......... She loves sitting at the table.
I love the crossed ankles. She has sat like this from day one.
I think we even got a picture during an ultrasound with crossed ankles.Her favorite part of this graduation is coloring with the girls.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cookie Party

One of the advent ideas we had planned was a cookie decorating party. I made the sugar cookies and let the gang decorate them today right after school.
Riley and Leighton
(doesn't Riley look focused?)
Carly, she was very precise.Jordan and Taylor-Yum!Madison-happy girl!The group.
(Makenna is on the left of Carly and Ryan on the right)The aftermath.
Eight kids, frosting, sprinkles, jimmies, non pareils, colored sugar, red frosting that squirts out of a can, M&Ms.........yes, I know I am crazy.
But, they actually didn't make near the mess I thought they would.
Even Jensyn got in on the decorating. Okay, not the decorating, but she did enjoy the M&Ms.