Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are the Odds?

Note: If vomit makes you....vomit...then skip this post.

Dee's brother came down from DC for the Christmas holiday. Between the two of them there are seven kids. You would think that the odds would be fairly even when it comes to vomiting. But if there have been 100 instances at the dinner table, 99 would be my kids and of those 99, 98 would have been Carly.

Tonight Carly had a tickle in her throat. The fact that she was sitting next to her favorite cousin and was talking and eating and laughing all at the same time didn't help either. Anyway, she started coughing and threw up, at the dinner table. I jumped up and rushed her to the bathroom. She threw up in the bathroom and then turned around and tried to go out the door, back to the table. I stopped her and told her she needed to get cleaned up. She had vomit all over her shirt and pants. She let me clean her up a little and then tried to leave again. I told her that we were probably going to go home. She was very upset and started crying.

I said, 'No one wants to sit by someone who is throwing up in their food.'
She stomped her foot, crossed her arms in front of her and yelled, "We'll just see what Dad has to say about this!"

I know what her dad would say about it....BBBLLLAAAGGHHH!!!

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