Leighton has been having a hard time behaving at home and nothing we do seems to work. Carly has had a horrible attitude and needed reminding too much. I had read in the paper about writing to Santa for an elf. This elf comes to your house and watches the kids. He just looks like a doll or a toy, but then comes to life, magically, at night and goes back to Santa to let him know if the children have been naughty or nice that day. He can see through walls, ceilings, floors, etc. Well, I was at my wits end, so I sent Santa an Email. This morning the girls came downstairs to this note taped to the fireplace:
In case you can't read it, it says:
Dear Carly and Leighton,
Your mom sent me an Email last night. She said that you are having a very hard time being good. She asked for my help. I have sent my best elf. He will be watching for good behavior and bad. He will come back to me at night. He will tell me what happened at your house. His name is Elfin. He is very small. Elfin wears a blue suit and hat. Mrs. Claus made them for him. He will probably hide by the t.v. He really likes cartoons. Bugs Bunny is his favorite.
Try your best to be good. I heard that Carly wants the Barbie Camp Out Trailer and Leighton wants the Polly Pocket Roller Coaster and Limo. The elves are working very hard on those toys. They would be so upset if I had to give you coal instead.
I couldn't find Elfin at first, but Leighton was quick to point him out on top of the t.v.
Dear Carly and Leighton,
Your mom sent me an Email last night. She said that you are having a very hard time being good. She asked for my help. I have sent my best elf. He will be watching for good behavior and bad. He will come back to me at night. He will tell me what happened at your house. His name is Elfin. He is very small. Elfin wears a blue suit and hat. Mrs. Claus made them for him. He will probably hide by the t.v. He really likes cartoons. Bugs Bunny is his favorite.
Try your best to be good. I heard that Carly wants the Barbie Camp Out Trailer and Leighton wants the Polly Pocket Roller Coaster and Limo. The elves are working very hard on those toys. They would be so upset if I had to give you coal instead.
I couldn't find Elfin at first, but Leighton was quick to point him out on top of the t.v.
(yes, we have rabbit ears)
This is closer picture of Elfin. Pretty cute!

Leighton is convinced that if you ask him a question and then listen very carefully he will answer. Carly is not sure if she believes he is real. I just hope that it helps the girls to be on their best behavior. I wonder where he will hide tomorrow?!?
Leighton is convinced that if you ask him a question and then listen very carefully he will answer. Carly is not sure if she believes he is real. I just hope that it helps the girls to be on their best behavior. I wonder where he will hide tomorrow?!?
I am loving your fun Christmas ideas. I'm going to totally steal that list.
That's such a great idea and I'm glad it's working.
leslie, I dont feel so bad about being picked on as your brother because you are an evil genius with your kids. Kyle
I think that is a good idea. For some reason threats don't seem to work around here even if I have Santa's number
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