The Girl Scouts went Caroling For Cans at the State Capital tree lighting. We rode down with Amanda, Madison, Michelle, and Taylor. My girls LOVE Amanda's minivan, so they were in heaven. This is the girls after we bundled them up, it was ccccold.
(take no notice of Leighton's hair-she lost her Santa hat at least six times before this picture)
They gathered together to carol their hearts out.
Leighton singing.
Carly was cracking us up with her antics. Here is a little taste of her hand motions/choreography.

The girls were able to take a carriage ride after caroling. We waited in line for about an hour and a half. We piled them all in. Leighton is on the left side, right in the middle.

Love it! I hope Michelle reads this, too...Or am I the only one???
That was my comment that I deleted, I hate when my brain is thinking faster than my fingers can type, so I am trying again.
It looks like life is bustling with fun. I love the pictures of the girls caroling, and I am glad that the parade worked out for Leighton. I love the tree and the cookies and little miss crossed ankles. Can't wait to see you.
We are currently snowed in at 20 inches. I guess i will have time to update my blog.
love you guys, can't wait to see you in a week.
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