Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So Lucky!

You women in Utah have no idea how lucky you are! The rest of the country does not have:

Tai Pan Trading:
Where you can shop for nearly any home decor and pay nearly nothing for absolutely adorable things.

Rod Works:
The most adorable store with metal anything, cute frames, clocks, nail covers, etc.
And the BIG DADDY,
Quilted Bear: Acres of home decor, signage, photos, gift ideas, holiday decorations, linens, you name it.
(For those of you who haven't been, this photo isn't even a fourth of the store-sick!)
Those were just a sampling, I didn't include the independant home decor shop on every corner.
What the rest of the world has: Pier One and Michael's
Two words: HOW RUDE!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Note to Self

Never, and I repeat, NEVER, agree to help your organizationally challenged sister get ready for her garage sale.
Coree, I love you, but NEVER AGAIN!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Curds in Cache

Today, I took the girls to visit Grandma Great in Brigham. She was very happy with the vanilla yogurt with caramel that we brought her. It was kind of melty and I didn't think of a towel across her lap to protect her cute outfit until it was too late. Sorry, Grandma! This picture isn't the best, but everybody was very wiggly.

We then headed up Sardine Canyon to Logan. This picture is for all my friends in NC. Isn't this beautiful? Who is coming with my on my next trip? Kelly? Are you up for it? We went to visit some of my college roommates. Sharon was kind enough to host at her house. Tia came all the way from Twin Falls. Thanks, ladies. The kids all played so well together and the time just flew by. We asked Sharon's oldest son, James to take a picture of us and then gave him strict instructions concerning said picture, i.e. nothing below chest level, make sure all of our eyes are open, make sure we are all smiling. For an almost 13 year old, I think he did an awesome job! My only question: How come no one ages but me? Don't believe me? When I get home I will post this picture along with some from that year, you will see!!

We stopped in Logan at Gossner's and got bags of fresh, today, curds. They are soo squeaky! (Amanda-I know you are jealous, but aren't you nearly on your way to NY? You can wait it out)

I was then able to meet with the roommate who I lived with the longest, Darcy. She was on her way to ride with her cycling group (yes, I hate her, just like I hated her when we lived together-she would come home from work and say, 'I am going on a five mile jog, want to come along?' My answer, "NO!") I forgot to get a picture, but I could just post one from when we lived together, she hasn't aged either.

I then drove out to Clarkston to visit my dear friend, Danea. I got to see her entire family, it was so nice and my kids thoroughly enjoyed her sister, Shandie's, menagerie of animals. I forgot to take a picture, but Danea did, so hopefully she will send me a copy.

It was a wonderful day of catching up with old friends. I came back that night feeling like I was 21 again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hogle Zoo

Today, my sister and I took our kids to Hogle Zoo. It has changed a lot since I was there last. The girls LOVED it. They saw the elephants, the rhino, the bear (who was posing so well for this picture) the bird show and then they saw the merry-go-round. The girls rode on the elephants. Jensyn did NOT like her first ride on the merry-go-round. She kept trying to GET OFF! We saw the gorilla and the real one too. He was laying near the glass with his feet up. The kids got a kick out of that. We saw the giraffes, the girls were enthralled with this one eating. Kannon was more interested in the one in the background. "He is missing his head!" He tried to convince Leighton, but she wasn't fooled. We went on the train and I got this adorable picture of the three big kids. We ended at the park and finally had to drag the kids out of the zoo to get home before rush hour traffic. I guess I need to take them to our zoo, now that I know how much they enjoy it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dinosaur Park

Today, my mom and I took the girls to the Dinosaur Park. There were lots of dinosaurs and trails. The best part for the girls was the park. You could go up a slide that looked like a dinosaur and down it's back. There was also a large tree that had some slides coming out of different sides. Leighton and I had gone off to look at a fight between a couple of dinos. We were walking back toward the playground and I watched the following: Carly went up the tree and down the first slide which came out on the other side. Neither she nor Grandma knew this little, but very important, fact. Grandma became very worried and Carly was searching everywhere for Grandma. They both circled the tree, but, you guessed it, in opposite directions. The look of sheer terror became very apparent on both of their faces. Carly then proceeded to walk up to a bench full of mommies with babies and said "Can you help me find my mom?" At this point, I was nearly touching her and Grandma had finally made it all the way around the tree, back to where Carly had stopped. Needless to say, I was very proud of Carly for doing exactly as we had practiced and very apologetic to my mom for nearly giving her a stroke by sitting back and watching it all play out. This is how much Jensyn loved the park, she spent it laying her head on top of mine.

The girls have been fascinated by the mountains. As we come back from the grocery store, they will comment, 'Wow, Mom, look at the mountains!' 'There is snow on the mountains!' 'Can we go up into the mountains?' Since the Dinosaur Park is at the mouth of Ogden Canyon, it was the perfect opportunity to take the girls up to the mountains. As we are going up the mountain, they are nearly screaming, 'We are in the mountains!' 'Look at the rocks!' which then turns into, 'Stop the car!!! I want to get out and touch the mountain!!' 'Stop the car!!! I want to climb the mountain!!' We did not stop, and continued around Trapper's Loop. It was a beautiful drive. I am learning to see the beauty through my children. I have looked at these mountains my whole life and never thought anything of them. But they ARE beautiful and amazing. Those of you here in Utah really do have a breathtaking view of one of God's creations. Take a moment today to appreciate it.

P.S. Happy Anniversary, Dee! Let's make the number 13 a lucky one! I love you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

SORRY everyone! I, obviously, do NOT know what I am doing. This was supposed to be a three page scrapbook of Dee with the girls. I am not sure why it asks for an invite. I promise not to try this again without competent supervision.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chili Tacos

Growing up, we always had chili tacos. Dee, and all of his friends, think that is the most bizarre thing ever. One of his friends, Michael, never misses a chance to ask "What are you having for dinner? Chili tacos?" ending with hysterical laughter. Of course, we NEVER have chili tacos at our house. So I really enjoy these visits to my parents' house. I get all the chili tacos I can eat.

For those of you who would like to try this wonderful dish:
You must use Nalley's Chili.

Open can, heat on stove.

Spread small amount of chili on flour tortilla. Add additional taco toppings, i.e. cheese, tomatoes, salsa, lettuce, olives, sour cream.

Roll, burrito like...


Yes, I gave my baby chili.

The consensus:

I tried to give Jensyn just a bite, but she screamed and pulled until it was all hers.

I am just curious. Am I the only putz who lets my spouse influence my eating? Is there something that you had as a kid, that you NEVER get now that you have your own household??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We're Here!!

Yes, we made it! Dee dropped us off at the airport over two hours early. I am usually right on time for boarding, so being there early threw me off and I tried to get on a flight to Houston. How embarrassing!
After a lengthy wait we were headed to Chicago. As the landing gear were being stowed from takeoff, Leighton turns to me with terror in her eyes and says, "I have to pee." From prior experience, I know that the flight attendants are strict with the 'no getting up when the seat belt light is on' rule. I asked her if she could hold it and the expected response was given, NO! So we pulled her pants down and slid one of Jensyn's diapers under her and viola, instant bathroom. We did it all with no other passengers the wiser. We landed in Chicago and had settled into our row, as it was a through flight-stops but we don't get off. After all the connecting passengers had left, the flight attendant made the announcement that we had to switch planes. She told the girls it needed a check-up. Carly said, "Mom, that cracks me up. Does it crack you up that the important lady said the plane needs a check-up?" I nodded and then under my breath said, "No, it ticks me off!" My backpack for Jensyn had been gate checked through to SLC. So, I was stuck carrying around a 19 pound, very wiggly baby on my hip, pulling two very tired girls with backpacks and two bags of my own. This all makes for an unhappy mommy. We did find the closest Mickey D's and the girls copped a squat on the concourse and ate up.

After an hour and a half delay, we boarded the flight for SLC. My wonderful children fell fast asleep and awoke only when we landed. We got the 'Your children are the best little travelers' comment from the guy in front of us. No matter how many times I hear it, I still feel very grateful that my children are the best little travelers. I especially love it from the business traveler that sighs when he learns he has been seated by children. And then halfway through the flight realizes that my kids haven't made a sound.
Grandpa was there to pick us up and the girls were thrilled.
Carly then threw up in the bathroom. I was thinking strep throat again. (or still)
I took her to the Instacare today and sure enough, she has strep. I talked the doctor into a shot and hopefully she will be better soon. As long as she doesn't catch H1N1 aka SWINE FLU from the kid in front of her. The mom came out, washed her hands, grabbed a mask for the kid, and got on her phone asking for Tamiflu. What else can I assume?
Anyway, glad to be here!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We Are On Our Way

We are leaving today at 3:30 for Utah. We will be there for three weeks. I will try to update the blog to let you know how much fun we are having. I will also contact those of you who have expressed an interest in getting together.
I am sure I will have a story from the plane. I usually do, and with three kids on a flight with one mommy, I am sure it will be a doozie.
Those of you in NC: Please watch out for my helplessly lonely husband. He always gets lonely while we are gone, but this time he does not have work as a distraction.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How About this Color Scheme?

I saw this in the grocery store parking lot. SCARY!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A New Shirt for the Bargain Price of......

Yes, we have officially entered the orthodonthic phase. Carly will have an appliance put in her mouth to stretch her mouth. Hopefully, it will allow a few more of her ginormous teeth to fit in her tiny mouth. We will have a couple of extractions next month to prepare for the insertion. I hope she enjoys this EXTREMELY expensive t-shirt.
If you live in the area, I strongly recommend Drs. Hixson and Bumgarner. They have been treating Carly for over 18 months, including numerous panaramic x-rays and a spacer. This is our first bill. They also give you an entire year to pay, interest free, that is amazing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

AT 12:45 PM......

SCHOOL'S OUT FOREVER!! (Carly wishes)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Baby, in a Cage

Jensyn is pulling up to everything and was getting a little too close to going over the side of the crib. To avoid a trip to the emergency room, we dropped the crib mattress. Dee dropped it while I was in the pool. I came back in to this: yes, to get the full effect, Jensyn is crying.
it was so sad. She looks like she is in a cage.

Another Pop Quiz..

Amanda, show us your mad skills.
Are these babies Leighton, Jensyn or both??

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Coree

Happy Birthday to my very favorite sister. I am so glad to have you not only as a sister, but as my friend.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I love you!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Starting WAY Too Early

I was in the bathroom with the door shut. I hear banging on the door. As a mom, this is all too familiar. Next comes the fingers under the door, also very familiar EXCEPT.......they were Jensyn's!!! She continued to bang on the door and added a loud MAMAMAMAMA! I thought I had, at the least, until she was walking, but no such luck!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Diane

Happy Birthday, Diane! You are the best mother-in-law for which anyone could ask. You are always there to lend a hand, an ear, a shoulder or any other body part. Thanks for raising Dee to be such a wonderful man. I hope I can raise my children as well as you raised yours.

Here is to a day of t.v., reading, crocheting and chocolate washed down with a nice glass of wine. We love you!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday, Mom. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with sleeping in, gardening, chocolate and grandchildren! I Love You!

P.S. Thanks for coming and spoiling my kids. They can't wait to come visit in TWO WEEKS!! YEAH!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kewpie Doll *Updated*

My parents have always called Carly Carly Doll. When Carly was about two, we were visiting my parents and my mom came home from work and said: Grandma's home! Carly corrected her by saying: No, Grandma Doll's home. It stuck! and from then on they have been Grandma and Grandpa Doll. The info in red is incorrect. After a discussion with my mom, I am not clear when Carly decided to call my parents Grandma & Grandpa Doll. It was probably just her way of differentiating between the two sets of grandparents.

When Leighton came along she was Baby Doll. She was tiny and adorable and looked just like a baby doll, hence the name.

Well, now we have Jensyn. Grandma and Grandpa Doll have decided with her daddy's curly hair, very large eyes and round cheeks that Jensyn has to be Kewpie Doll.
Leighton is very happy with Jensyn's new name as she thought she would have to give up Baby Doll since she is not the baby anymore.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

**Warning**-Braging Mother Ahead

I know that as their mother, I am biased......but are these NOT the CUTEST KIDS EVER?!?!
Yes, I think Jensyn is the cutest ever too, she just isn't in this picture.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Horse Show

This weekend was the annual horse show for Carly's horseback riding lessons. We were lucky to have both set of grandparents attend. The show was rained out a couple of weeks ago and was rescheduled for when my parents were out. Here are some short videos of Carly on her horse, Aggie, going over the poles in her two point and trotting. Betsy was getting such a kick out of her, as she passed the audience she was all game face. As soon as she headed around the backside it was all grins.

This is Avery and Carly with their ribbons and trophies.
They look confused because there were about five people trying to take their picture.

Here is Carly with her winnings.
Our friend, Betsy, even bullied us into a family picture.

No, I don't know why we didn't take off Carly's helmet.