After a lengthy wait we were headed to Chicago. As the landing gear were being stowed from takeoff, Leighton turns to me with terror in her eyes and says, "I have to pee." From prior experience, I know that the flight attendants are strict with the 'no getting up when the seat belt light is on' rule. I asked her if she could hold it and the expected response was given, NO! So we pulled her pants down and slid one of Jensyn's diapers under her and viola, instant bathroom. We did it all with no other passengers the wiser. We landed in Chicago and had settled into our row, as it was a through flight-stops but we don't get off. After all the connecting passengers had left, the flight attendant made the announcement that we had to switch planes. She told the girls it needed a check-up. Carly said, "Mom, that cracks me up. Does it crack you up that the important lady said the plane needs a check-up?" I nodded and then under my breath said, "No, it ticks me off!" My backpack for Jensyn had been gate checked through to SLC. So, I was stuck carrying around a 19 pound, very wiggly baby on my hip, pulling two very tired girls with backpacks and two bags of my own. This all makes for an unhappy mommy. We did find the closest Mickey D's and the girls copped a squat on the concourse and ate up.

After an hour and a half delay, we boarded the flight for SLC. My wonderful children fell fast asleep and awoke only when we landed. We got the 'Your children are the best little travelers' comment from the guy in front of us. No matter how many times I hear it, I still feel very grateful that my children are the best little travelers. I especially love it from the business traveler that sighs when he learns he has been seated by children. And then halfway through the flight realizes that my kids haven't made a sound.
Grandpa was there to pick us up and the girls were thrilled.
Carly then threw up in the bathroom. I was thinking strep throat again. (or still)
I took her to the Instacare today and sure enough, she has strep. I talked the doctor into a shot and hopefully she will be better soon. As long as she doesn't catch H1N1 aka SWINE FLU from the kid in front of her. The mom came out, washed her hands, grabbed a mask for the kid, and got on her phone asking for Tamiflu. What else can I assume?
Anyway, glad to be here!
I'm jealous of your good traveler's. My kids are the one that taught people to sigh and moan when they see your kids. Call if you get a chance to get together. We're a listed number.
Yipes!! Hope she's feeling better fast. And glad you made it safely!
Sigh... you made it! Hope carly feels better.
Come see me if you get a chance! :)
So, you won't eat "homemade" goodies, but you'll let the kids eat off the floor? What's up w/ that?? When you come back, I'll have a basket of HOMEMADE goodies & I will make you eat & the kids will be on the kitchen floor when you're finished!! LOL!
Becky- I had definite plans of hunting you down!
Amanda- There were absolutely NO seats and I figured that the tile was cleaner than the carpet. There was actually someone polishing the tile a little way down the concourse. I would eat anything from your house. It is like a model home where no body lives. Immaculate!
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