Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just like the Big Kids

I had to get some things done for work and was so glad to see Jensyn just like this....
See the crossed ankles I was telling you about here? She was enthralled. With what, you ask?
Singing chickens, of course.
But, her favorite is Placido Flamingo, the opera singer. He is performing Naughty Merrietta.
This is her FAVORITE show. She is so happy she leans over to give her baby a kiss after every song.

She does not, however, like to be interrupted. Check out that devilish grin.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Would We Get a Discount?

I took Carly in to the orthodontist for an appliance check, today. She went back with the assistant and I waited in the waiting room. After about ten minutes, an assistant comes out to the very full waiting room and states rather loudly,
"Attention everyone! We have a brand new orthodontist here at Hixson & Bumgarner!"
She steps to the side and this is what's behind her I said,
"I don't want you to work on me. You will be mean!"
She replied from behind her mask, "No, I'm gentle."
This elicited a room full of laughter.
They even gave her a name badge, sans name. Carly is now determined to be an orthodontist when she grows up. With as much orthodontic work as our kids need, we could use a family member in the business.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Two Down, One To Go (I hope NOT!)

Even though I have been sending in these for nearly every holiday/occasion I can think of....Carly and Leighton have both gotten Strep!

Carly started complaining Saturday that her stomach hurt and she was freezing. Leighton started complaining of a tummy ache on Sunday. We went to the pediatrician on Monday. Carly's quick test came back positive, Leighton's negative. Carly got the shot. Got to LOVE the shot- quick and it WORKS! Carly is back at school today, I took her late.

Leighton's culture came back positive this morning. Leighton is asymptomatic for strep (except a slight stomach ache), so she is currently jumping around the house tormenting Jensyn. Leighton can go to school 24 hours after she started her antibiotic-so only 21 hours and 13 minutes to go! Not that I'm counting down or anything.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

At Least It has ONE good purpose.

We have lived here for nearly three years and the girls have used our 'big tub' at least 50 times more than I have. I know a lot of you love a bath. I on the other hand see it as sitting in your own dirty water. It is nice to wash all three at once and serves as a good swimming pool if the weather is bad. If the girls are not using it, it serves as a great dust catcher or holder of anything Jensyn decides belongs in there.
If we ever redo our bathroom, this will be the first thing to go. Sorry, girls.

I Can Do It...

I hope!
I have decided that I dislike medicine/shots and do not want to end up with diabetes, so I am giving up the Gods' nectar, .
It is the best tasting, most refreshing, amazing drink EVER! I better stop there or I will have to run to the gas station for one. I have gone from (I lost count) cans a day, to two cans in one week. With images like this....

I am going to need all the willpower I can muster.

Friday, March 19, 2010

She's In!

Jensyn had her eligibility evaluation for the Infant-Toddler Program today. She is eligible for speech therapy. The therapists were impressed with her receptive language, cognitive and motor skills. It is just baffling as to why she is still not talking.

My parents were out visiting and they now 'get' what I am so concerned about. It is very hard to explain, but once you spend any time with her, you get it. It is not any of the reasons that I have heard from well meaning advice givers, i.e.; she has her passie too much, she won't talk until you take it away, her sisters talk for her, she is the baby and babies never talk on time, she needs to be around other kids her age, she will talk when she is ready, she doesn't need to talk everyone gives her what she wants, etc. She wants to talk, her Barbies talk to each other (in porpoise squawk). It is almost like she can't talk.

I have scheduled a hearing test with Carly's audiologist. We are fairly sure she can hear everything, but we want to leave no stone unturned. We will start speech therapy through the county as soon as we get her health assessment back from her pediatrician. In the mean time we will continue the private therapy.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just Like Saturday Night Fever.....

or NOT! Leighton went to Savannah's birthday party at the local Jellybeans. They had a blast! Even though they spent more time like this..
This is her and Caroline practicing on the carpet.
I came around the corner to this...not really practicing.
She got the hang of it and was off.
I got video, but Blogger hates me so none will probably ever be posted. I will try.
Then off the floor for the good stuff. Presents, candy, ice cream and cake.
Why was I not out there skating? I have taken the girls to my fair share of skating parties and all but one (I was two days away from delivering Jensyn) I have laced on my skates and drug kids around the floor for three hours. I decided to take a break this time and it was wonderful just watching. I am sure the next party I will be back out there, but don't expect any pictures!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Pretty Sure That is NOT what It Said..

Carly brings home her agenda every day. They are supposed to copy down in their agenda their homework for that night. It helps parents keep up with homework and goings on in class.

Carly never writes exactly what Ms. Alford writes on the board. She adds her own pertinent information, such as I have horse back riding lessons tonight or Grandma is picking me up today after school or I am going to have a wonderful day with Amanda Richardson.
Well, last week she brings it home and I get it out to read what she has written and see this:
No homwerk for A week for A week monday or tuesday weday tomrwor nexs week no fecin week or nexs trbll day*

*Translation for those who need it: No homework for a week. A week, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, not tomorrow, or next week, no freaking week or the next terrible day.

I am nearly positive that Ms. Alford did NOT write that on the board.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Busy Bees

It was a beautiful day outside and the girls were looking for something to do. I, using my devilishly ingenious motherly mind, asked if they wanted to earn some money. Of course, they jumped at the opportunity. We have a lot of pine cones and sweet gum balls in the yard. I told them if they filled a box I would give them $2.00 each. They had such fun gathering them, I had to grab a few pictures.
Leighton in her Dad's Disney World hat and her very own John Deere gloves. If you have ever wondered why Leighton is constantly falling, check out her feet.
Carly was intent on getting every last sweet gum ball.
The bounty. They filled the boxes nearly twice.
Just in case you wondered what sweet gum balls looked like.
I have heard they are great for crafting..if you need some I've got all you could ever need.
After all that hard work, they needed a rest.
and a snack.
I do love these girls.
Like my sister says, they get excited about everything!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I Highly Doubt You are STILL Processing...

I posted video of Jensyn nearly two weeks ago and Blogger says it is still processing. I will have to reload and repost, later. My parents are coming to visit on Thursday, it is ad change week for me at work, the semi annual consignment sale is in three days, Leighton is out of clean jeans, I am out of clean socks, I need to go grocery shopping, and my house is a complete wreck.

Maybe when my parents are here and sleeping in until eleven (the time change kills them), I will be able to update. But, I will make the time to change my background. You know that the background is the most important thing about a blog. Without a cute background, no one will care what you post anyway, right?

Daddy/Daughter After Valentine's Dance

The girls' elementary school hosted a dance for Moms/Sons and Dads/Daughters. Dee took the girls. They were so excited to get dressed up and go dancing with their daddy.
Carly posing with her beautiful dress and high heels.Leighton in all her glory.The two of them together.
I have no idea what face Carly is pulling.
Dee wouldn't let me take a picture of him before they left.....But, I have friends who will do it for me at the dance, thanks Amanda!
Leighton refused to dance with anyone.
This is Dee making sure she doesn't want to dance.
She wouldn't even dance with Jordan.But, Carly was up for anything. She even danced with Mr. Roger when Madison wouldn't dance with him. Madison is in fifth grade and too cool to dance with her daddy.

The girls had a great time at the dance. Some of the teachers dressed up as the Chipettes, The Black Eyed Peas, The Spice Girls, and Hannah Montana and performed. The kids loved it. I won't miss it next year, even if I have to borrow someone's son to go.