Do you remember this

This is Sharon brushing her teeth.

Not so great however, the only bathroom-upstairs)
A little bit closer of Sharon. She seems to be posed for something. Have to say Sharon, loving the Tevas and socks. (Don't laugh, it is cccccold in Logan. Gotta keep the toes covered at all times)
Sharon on her bed. See, other than her hair-SAME! Disgusting, not Sharon, but the fact that she has not aged.
This is Tia after a hard day at JB's -note the malted milk balls stuck to the bottom of her shoes. (Also note the 1970 avocado green carpet in my bedroom.)
This is Tia all slicked up for her date with Lee Bott.

(What a memory, you say! No, I read the back of the picture before I scanned it.)
See, other than the hair-SAME!
Bonus picture for Sharon and Tia. Sharon make sure you show this to Jacob. (He is eating Robin's Eggs, we must have been having an early Easter treat.)

Tia/Sharon- I have more, if you are interested LMK and I will email them to you.
After this trip down memory lane, I have decided that I don't need the depression that follows seeing my college roommates after 15 years and being the only one that looks even a day older. I love you guys, but next time count me out.

JK-Don't you dare have fun without me!
Leslie, I just made your brown bag caramel popcorn last night and it was soooooo good. Your mom gave me the recipe a couple of years ago when we were there. It was a hit and it was so easy!
Leslie, you don't look like you've aged either.
Courtney- LOVE the popcorn- cannot even think about the fat & calories or I can't enjoy it.
Darcy- I found a picture of you too (well lots of them) and just like T & S, other than your hair-exactly the same. Thanks for the compliment, but I cannot agree. I even found a grey hair yesterday-scary stuff.
Sheesh, Sharon what did I ever do to you!?!
Well, there's just no graceful way out of that, is there? I will just apologize for saying something so nasty. I am sorry.
I'm sorry Sharon, I could not resist! I hope that you weren't freaking out too bad. BTW, I don't think it was nasty. Not everyone likes everybody. I am sure there are plenty of people who hate me, but I don't care. You get to a point in your life where you are just too old to deal with all the small stuff.
Sharon this is so fun-for me. Well, hopefully you can see the humor now. Where is Tia? She would think this was all hilarious.
I forgot to answer about the before pictures- I know you think they were not the best pictures you ever took, but any other picture I had was in the same vein as the teeth brushing, eating, halfway dressed, covering your face. I remember you hiding every time I brought the camera out. I was surprised I had the two cute ones smiling and posing.
Plese, no posting of my pics :)
V- Why not? I already told you I had some that are worthy of blackmail. So, just make sure you keep on my good side.
Ok Leslie....THAT was funny!!
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